Sunday, 23 June 2013

Spaghetti (Zuchini) Bolognese, just like your Nonna makes

Who am I kidding, I don't have a Nonna. 

I have a 爷爷, that's Chinese for grandpa (I typed that into Google, I can't speak Mandarin). 
We live in an age where everyone is scared of the C-word (carbs) so I thought I'd give zucchini pasta a go, it surprisingly really does put your pasta cravings at bay for a night or so. 

Ingredients:(makes a butt load, 4-6 hungry people, or plenty of leftovers) 
4x zucchinis 
big hunk of lean beef mince
2x red onion 
1/2 a garlic 
2x star anise
handful of swisse brown mushies 
3x pieces of celery
2x carrots 
4x cans of whole peeled tomatoes 
zest of 1 lemon 
a bunch of rosemary 
a bunch of basil 

Finely chop the red onion, garlic, celery, carrot, mushrooms and rosemary and allow it to all sweat in a large saucepan with the star anise on medium heat. After a good ten minute sweat, take out the star anise. 

BEWARE: my "sous-chef" crying while cutting red onions (pussy)

Add the mince until it slightly browns before adding the cans of tomato. Zest the lemon and allow it all to reduce for for at least 30 minutes on low heat. 
While the sauce is reducing it is time to make the 'pasta'. Peel the zucchinis, I threw away the green skin cause its quite a bit tougher than the rest. Try to keep the ribbons quite thin to keep them pasta-like and stop when you get to the seeds. 

When the sauce is nearly ready, add the zucchinis to a fry pan in small portions and allow them to heat with a bit of olive oil and pepper. 

Stir basil through sauce before serving. 

Slurp dat uppp.

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